Editorial infographics & posters to promote your projects.

Grab the spotlight.

When it comes to leveraging your work to get more clients, getting out the self-sponsored survey results is only half the battle. 

Now, you need to get the attention of the right people: lapsed clients, prospects, the press.

Don’t let your survey results drown in a sea of press-release and email-newsletter sameness.

When a slide
doesn't cut it

You could always just lift a slide from the deck, but...

Your analysts are good at producing decks, but most research report slides are hardly scroll-stoppers—high in “substance,” low in “style.” 

Your analysts are not designers, and they are busy most of the time, too. Canva can help with resourcing bottlenecks, but it’s cookie-cutter. 

To be noticeable, you need something a cut above.

Your insights, artfully communicated.

The bespoke
approach to editorial

Your audience
comes first

Too often, research companies advertise the intricacies of their solutions without providing extra value in their lead magnets.

Promote your research products and services by showing research results your audience will find most intriguing. This simply follows a best practice—

among B2B content marketers, the most successful ones are more than twice as likely to prioritize their audience’s informational needs over their organizations’ promotional messages:

Most successful

Least successful

Content marketers who always/frequently take into account the audience’s informational needs over their organization’s sales/promotional message.

Source: Content Marketing Institute’s 12th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2022.

Obsess over
the details

If it’s not pixel-perfect, it’s not credible.

You’ve spent years building trust with your respondents, industry partners, and clients.

The only way to honor that foundation is to commit to visual clarity as much as we, as an industry, value data integrity.

Sometimes the discussion of results or data is part of important, tough conversations in the broader society. Any visual representation should be tasteful, sensitive, and clear, to communicate data effectively and responsibly.

Make creative

Survey-related work is rigid.

From survey design to field to data cleaning, exactitude is often more important than creativity.

But, exactitude on its own doesn’t get the eyeballs. Even in B2B marketing, creativity is important:

9 in 10 of the most successful B2B content marketers value creativity and craft in content creation and production:

Most successful

Least successful

Content marketers who strongly/somewhat agree with the statement “Our organization values creativity and craft in content creation and production”.

Source: Content Marketing Institute’s 12th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2022.

Put your best foot forward

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